Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A Thing Called Love

So since I haven't written on here for over a year now I decided it is time for a change, starting off with this joyous season of love that is only a few days away.  I actually love valentines day's not because of the obvious reasons ether. I think it is the funnest thing ever to show love for those who are in my life and who have given so much. Some awesome people who have became a huge part of my life in the past year. It was hard saying goodbye to many friends in logan after finishing up the semester there at utah state. I have really missed them and exciting life events happening with them there but it has been a good move back to orem for me. I have been able to spend more time with my family and get ready for my classes in the fall back at uvu. I was able to find some really great jobs and start over again here in a new apartment with roommates I have never met and it has been great to get to know them and have fun hanging out with them so far. We all have changed quite a bit in the last few months since we have been here and it is fun to get involved in the ward with new and wonderful people. Here are a few of the fun pictures I have taken I hope you enjoy and I'll keep you updated soon again.

Logan apartment

Beach in Moneray 

Library calling in Logan:) 

Marcy's Wedding Day:)!!!!

Roll Tide Roll In Logan 

Died my hair dark again 

Christines Wedding

Babysitting my niece 

Temple Trip:) 

Going Blond again on my birthday:) 

Roll Tide Sun Glasses 

Very expensive hat that I love:) 

Birthday Cheesecake with my friends 

Gabby, My new roommate with a huge scoop of ice cream:) 

mini golfing for Brian's Birthday:) 
Movie night with the sandlot:) 

Stephanie and I at the mission Reunion:) 

Fall Break with gabby, watching Laguna:)

Sis. Staley and I at the mission reunion 

Toumauni, Colin, Gabby, and Ali having a cupcake war at our Halloween party:)

Lovely ladies at our mission reunion 

one of the many carved pumpkins we did this season

Elders from my ward at the rm fireside:)

me as a kitty at a Halloween dance:) 

Gabby and Karin's Sunday morning hallway sessions:) 

So i um got to meet the one and only Alex Boye:)!!!!!

Temple Square with my cute nephews:) 

Ez and I excited to see the Christmas lights turn on

All ready for the Bama Game:) 

Waiting to see if Colin has pink eye with gabby who has pink eye:) 

Temple Square with Friends 

Manti Temple for Nora's Wedding:) 

She's Married:) 

My New Niece named Nora was Blessed shortly after:) 

Have to try on the fun sun glasses while I go to city creek for lunch with Brian:) 

A Reply cake to a formal dance:) 

Gabby getting answered to the dance with a bajillian balloons 

Shopping with the roommates night:)  

We Like Hats:) 

Don't mess With our Crew:) 

The Formal Dance 

The most Legit kids ever y'all:)