Thursday, April 8, 2010


I have been going crazy the past couple of weeks and so now is the only time I have to blog about it yes it is 6:26 in the morning and I just got off work thankfully my coworker was able to help me out and cover my 6 to 9 so I can get a little more sleep witch I will go strait to after I finish this post. Its not a good thing when your back gives out and everything that possibly go wrong with it besides break has been happening and its all because of overloading myself with school and work and trying to balance my life out. Its a hard thing to do now a day's but I have been able to squeeze in some pictures of me and some friends going to macey's last Tuesday to get some ice cream except they were having difficulties with the machine when we got there so we played a game while they fixed it and it was called find the most disgusting thing you possibly can in 10 min I am biased because I have actually had both of the things we got but not the thing they picked so I will let you enjoy those pictures for your self I warn you though they are really really disgusting so try to look at these on an empty stomic or after a good long period of time after you ate.

Then of course we treated our self's to some delicious ice cream


KIKA said...

awww I hope your back feels better! haha and bleeehhh! some of those stuff are quite questionable looking to me! hahaha glad you got your icecream in the end though! :D

Anna said...

Yeah they are very questionable Thank you though hopefully durring the summer it will go away and then I will know I was just stressing out to much about school and life this semester but we will see.