Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Before and After

For about two and a half years give or take a little I have been growing out my hair. I have never had really long hair before or if I had I didn't comprehend it. I thought it was a great thing they do for locks of love so I committed my self to doing it once in my life and now that I have I think I may do it again. I have never been the one to grow out my hair because people my think it would look better I'm kind of more practical and maybe a little selfish when it comes to my hair. I just think what will be easiest for me to keep up with. so I let it get to a certain length and then cut it. It has normally always been pretty short because for me that is what works for me to do. For instance my hair is very very thick which everyone tells me be so thankful for and I am but It sure makes it hard when I need to buy or my mom buy's what is about 3 to 4 conditioner's a month because I have to use so much on my hair. now I will only use about 1 or 2 tops a month. It helps save water that I would have used taking a shower. I also can just blow dry my hair and put a few products in and it looks good for the day instead of always making sure my hair was strait and wasn't flat or look funky on the top every time I saw a mirror. I think my hair just works better when It's shorter if any of you can understand what that really means. Over all I am glad I grew it out and now I am happy to be back to short. here is the before and after pictures.

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